How Wiley’s Open Access Agreement Impacts Researchers in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia (SANLiC)
October 15, 2024
In 2022, a transformative four-year agreement between academic publisher Wiley and the South African National Library and Information Consortium (SANLiC) was reached, marking a significant milestone for open access research in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. The agreement allows participating member institutions to access all of Wiley’s journals, and grants researchers the ability to publish accepted articles open access in Wiley’s hybrid journals, and since January 2023 as part of a pilot scheme in Wiley’s fully gold open access portfolio. This groundbreaking agreement aims to expand access to research, empower scholars, and foster a more inclusive and globally recognized academic community across the region. Over one year in, the results are already demonstrating notable benefits for researchers, students, and institutions.
The Missions of SANLiC and Wiley
The partnership between Wiley and SANLiC is rooted in a shared vision to:
- Expand access to scholarly research through open access (OA) publishing.
- Improve research quality by supporting and empowering scholars across Southern Africa with comprehensive resources and training.
By facilitating open access publication, the agreement allows researchers to share their findings more freely with a global audience, driving increased visibility and engagement with their work.
Impact on Open Access Publishing
Since the agreement's inception, the open access landscape in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia has seen significant growth:
- Year-on-Year Growth: There has been a 23% increase in hybrid OA publishing between 2022 and 2023, showcasing the growing preference for open access options among SANLiC-affiliated authors.
- Gold Open Access Submissions: The number of gold OA submissions has surged, with estimates showing a 100% increase in 2023.
- Opt-In Rates: There has been a 30% decrease in authors choosing to opt out of the agreement, indicating that more scholars are recognizing the value of publishing open access.
Additionally, the agreement has led to a substantial boost in the visibility of research articles from the region. Articles published under this agreement are now being discovered at three times the previous rate, opening doors for more collaboration, citation, and impact across the global research community.
The agreement has also resulted in a rise in journal usage among researchers, students, and academics in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia, with a 5% increase in 2023. This uptick demonstrates that the agreement is not only expanding access to publishing opportunities but also increasing engagement with the research itself.
Enhancing Author Outcomes: The Author Engagement Programme
One of the unique elements of the Wiley-SANLiC partnership is the Author Engagement Programme, which has played a vital role in supporting researchers throughout their publishing journey. This initiative is focused on promoting inclusive scholarship by offering a range of resources to enhance authorial skills and knowledge, including:
- Research Publishing Training: Comprehensive workshops help researchers navigate the intricacies of scholarly publishing.
- Wiley Researcher Academy: Free online access to this platform provides tailored learning experiences to improve research impact and writing.
- Editorial Support: Bespoke editorial resources offer valuable insights into writing, submission, and peer review processes.
Wiley has implemented an extensive strategy to reach authors from both large and small institutions through in-person and online events. In 2023, the program delivered:
- 18 in-person events, totaling 75 hours of training, facilitated by dedicated Wiley editors.
- 36 online webinars, which attracted over 1,300 attendees.
In total, over 3,000 researchers have benefited from these resources, ensuring that authors receive the support they need to publish effectively.
Author Satisfaction and Feedback
A recent survey conducted among authors who have published via the Wiley-SANLiC agreement reveals high levels of satisfaction:
- 87% of SANLiC respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with the process of submitting and publishing their article.
- 89% were satisfied or very satisfied with the outcome of publishing their work.
- 89% of respondents indicated that they were likely or very likely to recommend publishing under the Wiley-SANLiC agreement to their peers.
Researchers are reacting positively to the agreement, with one stating: “my submission through an open-access agreement was stress-free. I didn't have to worry about the publication fee. I only had to focus on ensuring that my manuscript was accepted by the journal”.
Authors described the publishing process as “smooth and trouble-free", allowing those who are “in a resource limited setting, to access a publication platform that would be simply unaffordable otherwise”.
These testimonials and numbers underscore the success of the agreement in delivering a positive and efficient publishing experience for researchers in the region.
Looking Forward
The Wiley-SANLiC open access agreement has made significant strides in expanding access to scholarly publishing in South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. It has fostered a stronger culture of open access, increased global visibility for regional research, and provided invaluable support to researchers through the Author Engagement Programme.
The future looks promising for open access publishing in the region. As more authors opt into the programme and the resources provided continue to empower scholars, the long-term impact on research output, collaboration, and knowledge sharing is expected to grow even further.
This collaboration between Wiley and SANLiC is a powerful example of how transformative agreements can drive positive change in the academic landscape, ensuring that researchers from all backgrounds have the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from the global exchange of knowledge. To find out more about the agreement visit our website.