Higher Ed’s Next Chapter, 2023-2024: Four Trends Shaping the Learning Landscape
September 18, 2023
What driving forces are transforming the future of higher education?
In many ways, instructors and students today are in “uncharted waters.” And while there are many ongoing challenges, there are also exciting new opportunities.
As we’re all still adjusting to the “new normal” post-pandemic, instructors are also balancing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance personalized learning with academic integrity concerns. We’re here to help you navigate advancements in higher education so that you’re prepared to meet today’s challenges while exploring tomorrow’s possibilities.
To better recognize how this landscape is developing, we surveyed North American higher education students and instructors and leveraged Wiley’s insights in the research and talent sectors. It’s crucial to understand students’ and instructors' experiences—which changes resonate with them, what areas they’re struggling in, and where new potential lies.
Our research revealed four key trends in education today. Fill out the form above and get started now.